Miranda Gray

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Miranda Gray is a bridge between the worlds of creativity, healing and spiritual awareness and the world of well-being and the workplace.

Her experience as an author, artist, healer and businesswoman, teamed with a consciousness born of actively living in harmony with her cyclic nature as a woman, gives Miranda a unique understanding; an understanding of what it means to be female in a modern world that does not support female energies and female cycles.

Through her writing, talks and workshops Miranda actively helps women to discover their authentic individual femininity and spirituality. Her down-to-earth approach to spirituality offers women a life-changing guide to living in tune with their true nature and empowers them to embrace and express all aspects of their female energies.

"Women are like the Moon, we change gradually from day to day. You never see the whole of the cycle; you can only ever see one phase."

Miranda is a passionate writer, spiritual teacher and facilitator of workshops on the cyclic nature of women and women’s spirituality and energies. She supports each woman’s uniqueness, encouraging and guiding them to optimise their own cyclic energies to create fulfilment, wellbeing, goal achievement and work enhancement.

"When we match a task to the enhanced skills we experience in a phase, not only can we do things better and quicker – we also feel great! Our menstrual cycle is an amazing instrument for creating achievement AND happiness."

Miranda is the originator of a growing female spiritual movement worldwide and initiates the awakening of female energies and values into the workplace and business.

NEW! Free downloadable resources to support women in the current crisis

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Instagram Follow me on Instagram: @mirandagray.author


Books, training and resources for empowering women


De la luna roja a la luna oscura - Miranda GrayNEW! The first publication of my latest book is now available in Spanish! ;From Red Moon to Dark Moon' charts the spiritual journey of women on their menopause path.

NEW! Red Moon Oracle language editions
Red Moon - the Oracle. Miranda Gray, illustrated by Julia LarotondaI am delighted that 'Red Moon - the Oracle' - is now available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and German!

Audio teachings available now

ed Moon: Goddess Teachings and Meditations for Female Spiritual AwakeningRed Moon: Goddess Teachings & Meditations for Female Spiritual Awakening

by Nicola Haslett, Samantha Redgrave & Miranda Gray

A very special and unique collection of teachings and meditations, designed to help women everywhere awaken the Goddess within and develop a deeper, more spiritual understanding of the female cycle.

> Buy in music store (download)



Workshop places still available

I have a new series of ONLINE and IN-PERSON WORKSHOPS in a number of languages - see www.wombblessing.com/calendar

All workshops are in English with translation. All authorized Moon Mothers have been trained in a Womb Blessing workshop.

Womb Blessing Workshops